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Encompass Counseling

Does Trying to Relax Make You More Stressed? Maybe You Need a Good Laugh?

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Note: The following article is by Lauren Geall, digital writer for Stylistmagazine. She writes on such topics as mental health, wellbeing, and women’s issues. If you find “calming” techniques like mindfulness and meditation make you more stressed, it could be time to change your approach to relieving anxiety, said Lauren Geall, digital writer for Stylist magazine. By definition, trying to relax shouldn’t be hard. After all, it’s […]

How to Find and Keep Friends: A Guide for Middle Age

group of middle aged friends celebrating in bar together

Karla Olson, a 51-year-old mother of three in Park City, Utah, is working on creating what she’s calling the Empty Nester Club. She plans to develop an online community on the video-communication app Marco Polo, and hopes local branches will form around the country for in-person meetups. For Olson, it’s all about creating a community […]

Aging Brings Us Closer to Death. Why Do We Get Happier as We Age?

happy elderly woman and her husband drinking wine and happiness

Editor’s note: The following article is by Alex Zhavoronkov, PhD, an expert in artificial intelligence for drug discovery and aging research. He is also the author of The Ageless Generation: How Advances in Biotechnology Will Impact the Global Economy. The premise of the following essay is that feelings of intense grief, intense joy, or the […]

Therapeutic Ways to Change Negative Thinking

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Along With 12 Tools for Addressing Crisis Situations We all have thoughts that invade our brains from time to time and mess with our moods. We all get down. Whether it’s your job, social life, family, or something completely different, sometimes the negativity can be too much. It can snowball. That’s the part where it […]

What to Do When Your Spouse Is Depressed

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How do you know if your spouse is depressed, and what can you do to help them? There are some healthy ways to encourage your partner to seek therapy, open up about their emotions, and address their symptoms, said Susan Bernstein, executive coach and leadership consultant with her own firm in San Diego, CA. Signs […]

How to Deal with Election Anxiety—Without Freaking Out

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Note: At the end of the blog article, “Worried About the Election? You’re Not Alone,”—posted on October 5, 2020—I mentioned that I would provide tips on how to manage election anxiety. I offer these tips to you now in “How to Deal with Election Anxiety.” —Michael Angelo, LCPC When it comes to worries about the […]

Worried About the Election? You’re Not Alone

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Are you experiencing constant anxiety about the upcoming election? Do you feel helpless to hasten its approach? Does fear grip you because you can’t control the outcome? Join the club.   Situations like these are tremendous stressors that eat away at our psychological resources over time, affecting many people, and especially those suffering from an anxiety […]

Letting Teens Sit with Silence. Or Not.

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The question is one that plagues parents and therapists alike: What to do with kids who won’t talk—who can barely handle talking at all—who also hate all the questions they’re asked, in an attempt to get them to talk? Should you keep badgering them until they say something? Or, do you leave them alone to […]

The 5 Core Approach to Covid-19

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The coronavirus is adding to your stress level, right? That’s understandable. What can you do to keep it in check? Here are some strategies that tie closely with our overall philosophy at Encompass Counseling Center about taking care of your whole self. Our focus is on the five attributes that comprise your entire being. This […]

Putting the Coronavirus into Perspective

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Perspective is an important thing to consider when dealing with anxiety-provoking situations. You know this from your sessions with your therapist. Please remember this as you consider your response to Covid-19. Don’t let emotions outweigh logic in your everyday choices surrounding the coronavirus. Whether it’s fighting someone in the grocery store for toilet paper, or […]

PTSD One Step at a Time

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Taking One Scary Step at a Time Wendi was casually relaxing, enjoying herself, cuddled in a blanket on the couch, peacefully reading a book. Suddenly, she heard gunshots and what she thought were bombs going off.   She was no longer safe. Her adrenaline soared as she ran for cover. It was now or never […]

How to Find the Right Therapist for You

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Table of Contents If you’re having trouble finding the right therapist, don’t despair. It’s not easy. People usually go with who’s closest to where they live or work, or who takes their insurance, or both—without ever actually deciding what they need personally from therapy. It’s what they need from therapy that should lead them to […]

The Destructive Nature of Shame – and Why We Should Kill It

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by Angela Walters, freelance author and creative consultant   Our emotional scars are nothing to take lightly, and believe me I don’t, but sometimes a simple thing can help us find relief. That’s why I wrote this article, to give you something simple to remember that I hope will help you pinpoint why you can’t […]

The Psychology Behind the Job Interview

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Marilee is not unlike most of the universe in that she genuinely does not enjoy job interviews. If asked to choose between interviewing and chewing glass, you can guess her answer. This makes sense because in the same way that most people dislike taking tests, a job interview is a test. Even those who feel […]

Is Technology Destroying Our Culture?

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We might as well ask if the Pope is Catholic, or if Tom Brady is a future hall of famer. Of course, technology impacts culture—destructively. For example, how could it not when people living in the same house or workplace can all be looking at different screens and communicating with different people—some within the same […]

The Alarming Trend of Teen Suicide

Anthony Bourdain. Kate Spade. Robin Williams. We know the tragic stories of their suicides. Countless other adults, mostly unknown, have succumbed to this tragedy, as well. Let’s not forget teens who take their own lives, either. As you’ve undoubtedly heard, the suicide rate for young adults is up—significantly. A study of pediatric hospitals released in […]

Why Therapists Shouldn’t Be Neutral about Divorce

When William Doherty began his therapy practice, he was strictly neutral about divorce. It was the clients’ decision, not his, and not much different from career choices and deciding whether to stay or leave a job. A senior therapist once told Doherty what he said to the couples he saw: “The main thing is what […]

Taking Charge with Difficult Teens

“I’m not going to give them any respect if they don’t give me respect,” and “It’s my life.” These are Tyler’s favorite phrases. A defiant teenager, he is particularly fond of using the disrespect card any time an adult asks him to do something. This includes his parents, teachers, and even the pastor at his […]

Encompass Counseling

It is with mixed emotions that we announce the closing of our Bloomingdale and Naperville locations. At this time, we will not be accepting any new clients at those locations.

HOWEVER, Michael Angelo, owner of Encompass Counseling Center LLC, will continue to see clients at a new location in Naperville: 1717 N. Naper Blvd. He is accepting new clients with Aetna, BCBS PPO and United Health Care.

All of our current therapists have established their own practices at different locations. They are in the process of or have already been credentialed with various insurance companies. You may contact them directly to determine if they can accept your insurance and if they are accepting new clients.




Gabriel Cardenas, LMFT

(331) 251-1102

Amanda (Morrissey) Herrera, LCPC

(630) 414-3465

Heidi Gibbons, LCPC


Letha Howell, LCPC


Michael Walters, LCPC


Becca Van Loan, LCPC


Please note the following: DULY HMO and Northwestern Medicine (NMPN) HMO have made the decision to not recredential Gabriel Cardenas, Amanda Morrissey-Herrera, Heidi Gibbons, Letha Howell, Michael Walters, or Becca Van Loan—all of whom have practices independent of Encompass Counseling Center LLC. So, if you have those HMOs, I recommend you call DULY’s or NMPN’s customer service department to find someone in their network.